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On-line Monitoring System for Gas in Transformer Oil by MSDGA Laser Photoacoustic Spectroscopy

Gas chromatography equipment needs to be in a good environment laboratory and after strict calibration to obtain accurate data. After the laboratory equipment is simplified and transplanted to the online equipment in the outdoor harsh environment, the accuracy of the online data is too poor and only repeatability is available for reference. Therefore, it can only provide reference for the change trend of the transformer that has failed, and it cannot achieve early warning, and it is impossible to analyze the operating state of the transformer that works normally.

On-line Monitoring System of Harmful Gas in MSDGA-I Transformer Oil

MSDGA-I on-line monitoring system of gas in transformer oil realizes the fine analysis of transformer oil by gas chromatography, which has the characteristics of accurate measurement, fast analysis and real-time monitoring. The monitoring system is mainly used to measure and analyze the trace fault gas contained in the insulating oil of oil-immersed power equipment, and can capture the potential fault information of transformer equipment in real time to ensure the reliable operation of transformer equipment.

On-line Temperature Monitoring System of GaAs Optical Fiber for MSDHG Transformer

Gallium arsenide (GaAs) optical fiber sensing technology is widely used in high voltage, high noise, high temperature, strong corrosion resistance, corrosion resistance, small size, high reliability and other special environment equipment monitoring

On-line Monitoring System for Grounding Current of MSDTX Transformer Core Clamp

Transformer is one of the key equipment in the power system, and its normal operation is an important guarantee for the safe, reliable, stable and economic operation of the power system. When the power transformer is running, there is an alternating magnetic field around the winding. Due to the effect of electromagnetic induction, there is a parasitic capacitance between the high-voltage winding and the low-voltage winding, between the low-voltage winding and the iron core, and between the iron core and the shell. The live winding will generate a floating potential between the iron core and the winding through the coupling effect of the parasitic capacitance. Due to the unequal distance between the iron core and other metal components and the winding, there is a potential difference, when the potential difference between the two points to be able to break down the insulation between them, it will produce intermittent spark discharge, the transformer oil and solid insulation have adverse effects, it is necessary to connect the iron core and the shell, so that it and the shell and other potential.

On-line monitoring system of MSDGS oil chromatography

The on-line monitoring system of transformer oil chromatography can be composed of on-site on-line monitoring device and background monitoring management software. The on-site monitoring host includes four highly integrated modules and auxiliary units, such as chromatography data acquisition and processing module, oil and gas separation module, gas detection module and gas source module. The chromatographic data acquisition and processing module includes data acquisition unit, field control and processing unit, communication control unit and 61850 protocol communication, etc. The oil and gas separation module includes oil sample circulation acquisition unit, oil sample quantitative unit, oil sample processing return unit, degassing gas collection unit, etc. The gas detection module includes gas separation unit, constant temperature and constant current control unit, gas detection unit, etc; the gas source module includes gas generation unit, gas storage unit, purification unit, pressure control and alarm unit, etc. The auxiliary unit includes transformer interface, oil pipe, communication and power cable, etc.

Online monitoring system of fluorescent optical fiber temperature of cable plug, built-in optical fiber temperature measurement system of cable head of inflatable cabinet, built-in optical fiber temperature measurement system of cable head of ring network cabinet

The system adopts advanced fluorescent optical fiber temperature sensing technology, which has the advantages of high voltage resistance, no electromagnetic interference, intrinsic safety, long-term reliability, easy expansion, etc., and can monitor the temperature of box transformer, high voltage switch cabinet, ring network cabinet, outdoor and underground cable joints of power generation and power supply system in real time.

SW-HCK8000 Distribution Room Integrated Monitoring System

The comprehensive monitoring of power distribution room is an important link in the whole power supply and distribution management system. At present, the power distribution room generally adopts unattended, regular inspection system, which is a waste of manpower and material resources can not be achieved on the distribution room environment and safety real-time monitoring. The stable and reliable environment of the power distribution room is very important to the safe operation of the power equipment.

MSD900 transformer intelligent management terminal

MSD900 transformer intelligent management terminal is an automatic terminal equipment for real-time data acquisition and control of transformers. It can collect various data such as current, voltage and temperature of power transformers, record the accumulated running time of transformers, and realize the evaluation of transformer fault life and give diagnostic schemes through intelligent research and judgment of work rise, load rate and failure rate.

SW-CK9909 switchgear integrated state analyzer

This series of comprehensive analyzer is a multi-functional intelligent switch analog comprehensive dynamic indicating device developed and designed for the current development of medium voltage system switch technology, which is mainly used in various indoor switch cabinets with voltage level of 0.1 ~ 40.5KV.

ABB TVOC-2 Arc Protection System

ABB TVOC Arc Protection System Special Product Distributor-Baoding is Electrical ABB TVOC-2 arc protection system is through the electrical function safety SIL-2 international certification products, imported products, arc bus protection action time is not more than 1ms.